Saturday, April 14, 2007

Learning to Blog - Lessons About Sitemaps

N00b, newbie, new guy, clueless blogger-wanna-be. All of those monikers fit yours truly. I started this blog about 24 hours ago and have been burning up the Internet trying to learn from those who have gone before me.

Overall, Google has made it a very simple experience. Learning how to add all those links has taken a little while, and the latest effort - creating a sitemap to improve my indexing with search engines (I only dimly appreciate what that means) has taken a while.

I am by no means an authority on this issue, but it seems that Blogger accounts don't support the upload of sitemap files to our blog. If that's true, then the otherwise outstanding Google help on Blogger could be a little more clear about this. I was struggling with running Python scripts (huh?) and manually editing XML files (again, huh?) and getting nowhere when I ran another Google search and found this excellent post from a smart person named Vivek in India.

Based on the large number of comments on this post, it appears I'm not alone in this search for sitemap knowledge for Blogger accounts. I'll let you know what I learn from this experience.

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